I favor term limits and have pledged to co-sponsor legislation that limits senators to two terms.

Incumbents win nearly 90% of all elections, and they win at such high rates because they spend their entire time in public office raising money while you and I spend our time working for our families and our future.

They spend two years in the House of Representatives and six years in the Senate raising money, getting a two-year or six-year head start on anyone else who is a regular person and not independently wealthy. That’s an unfair, rigged system. I will fight for term limits and provide an opportunity for regular people to represent the working class of this nation.

Term limits will level the playing field in campaign finance and fundraising by allowing regular people to elect people who represent them, their values, and their interests. We will defeat lifelong politician Tim Kaine, regardless of how much money he raises.

We will win the U.S. Senate seat in Virginia, and then we will implement term limits. That will set the groundwork for bringing American power and control over our system of government back to the people. So you have more of a voice and control over who represents you and us as regular citizens.




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